The Pleasure Palace Read online
The Pleasure Palace
The Pleasure Palace
By Jiani Yu
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2012 Jiani Yu
Smashwords Edition, License Notes
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Authors Notes
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used factiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organization, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
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Chapter One
"Surprise! Happy Birthday!"
"Oh my goodness. I can't believe you guys!" Deanna said as she tried to get a grip on the situation. “What are you guys doing here?
“It’s your birthday party!” Kimiko, Deanna’s spunky 20ish, co-worker shouted above the music.
“Yeah, Kacho/boss had us plan this for you. Are you surprised?” asked Yumi, the other equally spunky co-worker.
“Oh surprised doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel right now.”
Right now all Deanna wanted to do was wring David Ito’s neck.
Interview my ass! He had duped her. Immediately her thoughts went back to the conversation that led up to this.
‘He called Deanna into his office under the pretense that he had gotten the OK from the owner of this male host lounge and wanted her to do an interview today! ’
Now here she was expecting to do an interview, only to be show up to her surprise party!
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David Ito, slowly walked up to Deanna, and braced himself for the tongue lashing he was sure Deanna was going to give him. He gave her a hug and whispered, “So I take it that you’re not upset with this?”
"I don't believe it! You are so bad! You know I’m going to get you back?" she replied through a forced smile.
David broke the embrace and looked at Deanna, “Don’t be like that, besides you need to enjoy life again. So smile and work the camera.”
He was right, she hadn’t enjoyed herself. She had been an excellent model. A-list material. Knew all the right people in the fashion and in the film industry. At least up until 24 months ago. When her husband suddenly died from stomach cancer. David was Deanna husband’s best friends. So when he died, David convinced her to move to Japan and start a new life. But even the move, she was still finding it hard at time.
So she turned, faced the camera and gave them the look of surprise!
Kimiko was in stitches, holding her stomach from laughing so hard,
"Deanna, if you could see your face, it's priceless!" She said between laughs.
Yumi, another co-worker, stood off to one side to catch the surprised look with her little camcorder, “Kimiko, I have it all on tape.
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Wait until we show it at work.”
By this time two young Japanese men, one with blonde hair, the other with black hair came up to Deanna, they took her by the hand,
"Welcome to Sono Yorokobi Goten/ The Pleasure Palace." they both said in unison.
They led her past tables and booths, each one filled with groups of women young and old. She wondered to herself, what had Kimiko, and Yumi had gotten her into. All she could think of being the center of gossip. If the two guys weren’t holding her by the hand, she would run out of there. Finally, they came to a private party room near the back of the lounge.
When they entered the room, it was painted in red with mirrored squares randomly placed on the wall and a long u-shaped couch against one of the walls. For a brief moment, Deanna wondered if there were cameras hidden behind those mirrors, she made a mental note, not to do anything outrageous that would show up on the internet later.
"Did we surprise you?" David asked.
“Yes you did. Here, I'm thinking that I'm going to this night club for an interview only to be surprised with a birthday party. I should have known something was up when I couldn't find Kimiko and Yumi after lunch, and 6 | P a g e
then you suddenly disappeared."
"Well Deanna, I hope that you enjoy yourself. It’s time to live again. And besides, if you can get a story out of this party, it will be an added feature in the next month’s issue."
"Oh come on David, you've got to be kidding!" Deanna pleaded, "What did I do to piss you off? I’m a fashion writer. Not some two bit gossip writer.”
"You didn't do anything to piss me off. I just think it would be good for you to do something different." he said with a slight smile.
Deanna raised one eye brow questioning his decision, "You're kidding, right?"
She hoped that David was in one of his playful moods and would burst out laughing telling her that he was joking. But when his motionless expression didn't change, she knew that he was serious.
Deanna sighed. She knew that she had lost this fight. And that was why his magazine was number one, he was always about business.
"Who knows, maybe there is something to this." she replied looking around at her surroundings.
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David laughed, "See, and you didn't want to do it."
He looked down at his watch and announced to the group of women that he was leaving. He was on his way to a spa filled weekend with his partner. David Ito was a former male model in his now forties, he had long retired for the catwalk. His well defined Asian features showed no tell tale signs of aging. And loved to brag that he never had a facelift.
He was the owner of the top selling fashion magazine in Japan and Asia.
And had just recently started his own men’s clothing line.
He looked around the room for Kimiko and Yumi, “I want you two to be sure that nothing happens to Deanna.” he shouted over the music to them.
“David, I think I’m capable of taking care of myself.” Deanna suggested,
“besides, it looks like I might be the one taking care of them.”
He gave her a peck on the cheek, told her to enjoy the weekend and made his way out the lounge.
By now. the two male host sat Deanna down in the middle of the couch and then took their place seated next to her.
Kimiko had recovered from her laughing fit and plopped down next to the blonde host. "So Deanna, did we surprise you or not?" She said with a smile, "you don't know the hell Yumi and I had to get....."
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She stopped speaking briefly and looked at Yumi who was still recording.
"Turn that thing off!" she said, "as I was saying. You don't know the hell we had to go thought to get you out of the office for this."
Yumi looking rather disappointed put away the camcorder had planted her plump body next to the black haired male host.
“Yeah, we didn’t think Kacho (boss) would agree to help us.”
“He was really cool about it. And agreed to pay for the whole evening.”
Deanna 's was in disbelief that David had paid for his, he must really like her to do something like that. But it didn’t excuse the fact that she didn’t like surprises and wasn't an enormous fan of birthday parties either, specially her own.
The party had been going on for a short time. Deanna looked noticed that most of the host looked like young boys that lied about their age just to get work. All of them taking meticu
lous care in what they wore and how they looked. Each one looking more delicious than the next.
This place was certainly the waiting room for women just waiting to enter into hell. It took everything Deanna had not to lose control.
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‘God help me!’ her mind screamed.
Granted it had been two years since her husband John’s untimely death, and she missed the intimacy, but she was not going to throw herself to the first man that came her way.
While observing the tempting eye candy that walked into the room, there was one that caught Deanna 's eye, he stood about 6' 2inches', black hair that was razor cut into a style that hung just below his shoulders. His black pin striped double breasted Versace suit and set it off with a classic French cuffed white cotton shirt that was unbutton halfway exposing his muscular chest. As he made his way over to Deanna, the host that was seated next to her moved away from her for the new arrival to sit.
He sat down, giving her the once over before speaking to her, "So you must be the birthday girl?" extended his hand to Deanna, kissing the back of it.
She smiled as she looked into his beautiful brown eyes, ‘OK, suave.’ she thought.
" Welcome to Sono Yorokobi Goten Lounge, my name is Akira Yamamoto, I'm the owner. I hope you're having a good time." he snapped his fingers, and another host brought out two bottles of Champagne.
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"Please, accept this as our gift to you. If there is anything else we can do for you, please let your host know." he said.
"Thank you!" Deanna replied, "I think my co-workers have thought of everything. "
She wished. She knew that he wasn't going to be wrapped up and waiting for her to take home. Damn he was delicious looking.
"Well if there is nothing else, I better get back to work." as he got up and walked away.
The blonde host, whose name is Goro, picks up one of the bottles,
" Let's get this party started." he says as he popped the cork and the Champaign over flowed.
Hakaru, the dark haired, host took a pitcher of plastic ice cubes that lit up and flashed. He then had Goro pour the Champagne into it.
"Drink up birthday girl!" as he put the pitcher up to Deanna 's mouth.
Goro put a towel under Deanna 's chin to keep any from dripping on her blouse. Deanna took several swallows and put her hands to indicate for them to stop. Much to her surprise, a small group of unknowns was standing at the entry way chanting.
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"Hosu! hosu! ..drink up! drink up!" to her along with her co-workers and other host.
Deanna tried to obliges her cheering audience, but she is unable to. She passed on over to Yumi, who was unable to finish it. Thankfully it was Kimiko who took the pitcher and chugged down mouthfuls of it The party lasted well into the wee morning hours, and it was time to go home. Yumi and Goro had passed out and was curled up on one end of the red couch. Kimiko was unsuccessful in getting Hakaru to marry her.
Deanna sat there and wondered how she was going to get her intoxicated co-workers home. Her place wasn't that large.
Akira, came in and sat down next to her, "Looks like the party girl has partied out. Did you not have fun?" he asked.
"Oh, the party was nice. I'm not a birthday party person. I would have preferred going out to dinner and calling it a day."
Then realized that she might have offended the owner.
"I mean, this is really a nice place. I'm just not really a drinker."
Akira nodded and laughed.
" Then that would explain why you are not in a stupor like your friends, a 12 | P a g e
woman that knows her limit. A woman that is in control."
Akira noticed how smooth Deanna caramel colored skin was, the way her curly chestnut colored hair framed face, and those bewitching hazel eyes.
He wanted to know her better, beyond what he had read in the tabloids about this former model.
"Tell me, has there ever a time when you were not in control?" he asked in a low voice.
"I'm always in control."
He leaned and whispered into her ear. "Umm, I'm sure there are times when you are not. And that's the time I would love to see you lose it."
Deanna wasn't shocked by what he said, but she pretended to be. If he only knew that just by him sitting next to her, she was already on the verge of losing it. Damn, why did she find him attractive? She quickly regained composure.
"So Akira," moving her deviant thoughts elsewhere, "would you grant me an interview?"
Akira smiled, "Mmm, I am not known to do interviews, it makes for an even more hectic life."
"It would be good for business." Deanna replied.
"Not to brag, but as you can see, my business is not suffering in any way.
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I don't know what a slow night is. And besides, as long as there are lonely women, it is my duty to make them happy."
From his comment, he sounded like an arrogant gigolo.
"You sound pretty sure of yourself."
"I haven't gotten any complaints yet."
His sexy brown eyes seem to scream trouble. Deanna smiled and wonder just how much he pleased his cliental. She gave him a weak smile.
Sensing the disappointment he had just caused. Akira sighed!
"Ok I will do an interview for you, but only if you would you do me the honor of having dinner with me afterwards."
Deanna hesitated to answer, she hadn't counted on having to go to dinner, this was not part of the deal. It's not like he wasn't hot. She just didn't like mixing business with pleasure.
"Well...." she stammered.
He took her by the hand to reassure her and laughed,
"You don't have to be afraid. Don't let the idea of me running this place make you think I'm bad, I'm a pretty decent guy." he said, "and besides, 14 | P a g e
what are you going to do, go home, put on your kitty pj’s and read a book?"
Deanna frowned, ‘How did he know that was how she spent her evenings. And what’s wrong with kitty pj’s?’ she thought.
By now Kimiko had given up with her marriage proposal to the male host. And was now putting her two cents into the conversation.
"He's right you know. Go out." She said with her slurred speech.
Deanna knew that this was not going to go away until she agreed.
"Ok, ok. I'll go." Deanna said, hoping that she didn’t make a wrong decision.
"Then it's settled. I'll meet you here about 4:30 pm. this coming Monday.
And then we will go to Moto's for dinner. Are you familiar with the place?" Akira asked.
"Heard of it, but I have not been. "
"Great, then you will be most pleased."
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Chapter Two
The weekend came to an end way too quickly. She had spent the weekend chatting on line with family who hadn't figured out that there is a time difference between Japan and America. Keeping Deanna up way past her bed time. So when the alarm went off Monday, Deanna barely could get out of bed.
She jumped into the shower hoping that the cold water would wake her up. Getting out of the shower, Deanna pulled out her black Chanel sleeveless dress and slipped into it, She pulled her hair into a French roll, pearl earning and necklace to match. Putting on the finishing touches, she giving herself the once over in the mirror. She laughed to herself and thought, she looked like a black version of Audrey Hepburn from the movie, 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' and walked out the door.
When Deanna walked into the office, some people were already working.
She had already gotten her text message asking her to see David when she got in. She knew he wanted to know if she had done what he asked her to. So she dropped off her things in her office and went straight to his office.
David was sitting on his white leather sofa having a cup of green tea, surrounded by piles of fashion news papers and weekly magazines. He looked up over his reading glasses when Deanna peeked her h
ead in the 16 | P a g e
"Good-morning." David said as he patted a space next to the pile of newspapers for Deanna to sit.
"OK. please tell me that you got the interview."
Deanna smiled, that was David, right to the point. He didn't believe in tip toeing around, straight for the jugular.
"Well if you must know.... I got the interview. It's for today," as she sat down.
David sat back on the couch, smiling one of his award winning smiles and said.
"Yes! Oh this is going to be big. I want you to take Yoshiro with you to take some pictures. And see if you can get some of those hot bodies to come in and do a photo shoot that would be great. I want you to get me some meat, something the readers can get wet about."
“You’re really getting off on this shit, aren’t you?” she said with a laugh.
"You know me, if it makes good reading, let's do it."
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Deanna got up and was about to walk towards the door, "Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?"
"You know kiddo, you still got it, don't you? He winked at her, "Don't wait too long. Two years long enough to grieve. Oh yeah, love the Black Audrey Hepburn look."
Once in her office Deanna put some questions together for Akira. She wanted to know the real Akira, what made him tick. Most of all she wanted to make sure David got his "meat."
Before she realized it, it was time to go. Deanna met up with Yoshiro in the lobby of the office. He was loaded down with enough camera bags as if he would be doing an assignment for several months.
"Hi Deanna, kacho/boss has already informed me about the interview. He expects me to come back with some good shots." he said.
"Yes, I know. David expects us to do a good job." she said hoping to put Yoshiro's mind at ease, "don't worry this is going to be a piece of cake."
When they arrived, a male host let them into the lounge. The lounge looked quite different in the daylight. With the lights on high, you could see what the place actually looked like. Cigarette burns on the tables and chairs, it wasn't well kept or too appealing. Deanna laughed to herself, 18 | P a g e